Noah's Ark Learning Center has two specially designed, large toddler rooms complete with child size toilets and sinks in each room.  Our program includes a separate, fenced playground customized for toddlers.

The toddler years are full of wonderful changes and growth.  In our classes we'll work daily on: 
speech and language; (singing, nursery rhymes, reading books, following directions and finger plays), 
large muscle strength and coordination activities; (playing outside with friends, jumping, balancing, riding toys and moving to music), 
social skills (cooperation, sharing, being kind to friends,) 
self-help skills; (potty training, using spoon and fork, buttoning, zipping and independence).      

Toddlers love circle time!  Our program is customized for your child's progress, needs and age.  Our toddlers begin to learn colors, shapes, letters, numbers and counting and will practice having a loving heart and helping hands.  Daily activities will include puzzles, lacing cards, sorting, stacking, painting and other activities that stimulate their creativity.  

Our structured program includes prayer and a lot of exciting, stimulating, learning activities.

Schedule a tour today to learn more about our
Outstanding Toddler Program.
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 Noah's Ark Learning Center
        "They may forget what you say, but they'll never forget the way you make them feel."
